Help Us to Make a Difference
Many people who visit Gillighan’s World – The Field of Dreams remark
“What a wonderful place to work” or “I would love to work here” .
Because we are seasonal, self funding, and do not receive funding or grants from any other source, we do need volunteers to help us with a number of jobs. If you would like to be involved in our beautiful park, or a student looking for some work experience , and you have a few hours, a few days, a few weeks to spare, we would be delighted to hear from you. Go to Contact Us:
Trying to get the park ready after the winter weather has done its worst, is hard and time-consuming.Trying to get all our flyers and posters in all the right places is problematic, so if you have a few hours to spare maybe you could help by distributing flyers to places in your area. If you are interested and feel you would like to help please give us a ring or e-mail us and we can arrange how to get the material to you.
Pet Haven: 
An ideal opportunity for all animal lovers. You can be of help with grooming, cleaning pens, mucking out stables, feeding and watering. If you like meeting people and have an outgoing personality maybe you’d like to be a “Pet Haven Host” during our spring/summer open season. Passing on your knowledge about our pets, their names, habits, characteristics, what they enjoy eating and their general care can be very rewarding.
GARDENING: It’s a garden, a very big garden, and it needs constant weeding, lawns mowed, hedges trimmed and tending faerie gardens throughout May to Sept.
Crafts People:
Our beautiful faerie homes are unique, handcrafted little gems of creative imagination. Just what you would expect the “wee folk” to inhabit. They need ongoing maintenance and repair to keep them pristine due to their exposure to the elements. Why not get together with a friend or organise a small group of kindred spirits to help. If you are interested in art and feel you would like to restore or repaint a delightful faerie home we would love to hear from you.
If you are really adventurous and would like to make a faerie house or sculpture and have your work displayed we would be delighted to exhibit your creation.
Hospitality & Retail
If you are the type of person who likes meeting new people why not volunteer to greet people into the park, or serve in the “Crock of Gold” gift shop or the “Rainbow Tea Rooms”, or simply read a fairy tale to a group of children.
Sponsorship / Donations
If you have no time to spare but would still like to help maybe you could sponsor a faerie house, an animal, or donate a tree or something for the faerie gardens, glade or lake. We would be very pleased to display your name within the park as a sponsor and All gifts are greatly appreciated.
If you are interested in any of the above please e-mail, phone, or text us Contact Us:
Become “A Friend of the Sidhe” and Help Us Make The World A Better Place.