Refresher Breaks


Unique Offer for those with Limited Time to Spare

Our Refresher Breaks are designed for those Coach Tour Operators who may have already marketed and organised their tour schedule.

From experience, we have discovered that many itineries do not allow for a simple break to rest and refresh before moving on to your next location, or your clients have  unexpected time to fill whilst in our vicinity and you need to cover this time and provide comfort and interest for your guests.

We are also aware that not all attractions provide for refreshments, toilet facilities, and gift shopping, but are well worth the visit because of their unique attraction. We are offering our “Refresher Breaks” to cover this eventuality, even though we would love to be part of your scheduled itinary from the onset.

On offer  on our “Refresher Breaks” are the following:

Meet and Greet

Teas Coffees and Snacks, or pre-arranged ” Afternoon Teas”

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  Botanical Walks through the ” Faery Gardens of Knocknashee”, The Legendary Hill of the Faeries.

Toilet Break

Souvenir Gift Shopping in the ” Crock of Gold Gift Shop”

And the satisfaction that they have relaxed and enjoyed a true and authentic Celtic Spiritual Garden, unique in Ireland.








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